Limit rsync bandwidth nfs copy


We're currently forced to limit the backup bandwidth to a nfs disk outside our network (thru VPN) because it fills up the modem cache and we are forced to reboot it to regain connectivity.

0 22 * * *   flock rsync_wan_lock -c "rsync --rsync-path=\"nice -n5 ionice -c2 -n3 rsync\" --bwlimit 2000 -avrPq --delete-after /var/data/ /mnt/somedrive"

But that is not sufficient. Even thought 2000 KiB it ought be 50% of transfer speed (we have 30Mbps), it still fills the buffer.

So, I've read that rsync bursts and then goes silent to honour the bwlimit and that metadata does still not honour the bwlimit. So I'm trying trickle now.

The problem is that every doc I could find uses trickle on ssh connections thru the -e option. I don't think -e will work if I'm not copying through ssh, but they give the reason that putting the trickle in the --rsync-path won't work due to the forking rsync does.

0 22 * * *   flock rsync_wan_lock -c "rsync --rsync-path=\"nice -n5 ionice -c2 -n3 trickle -s -u 1000 -d 10000 rsync\" -avrPq --delete-after /var/data/ /mnt/somedrive"

Any ideas/comments? And what's going on with this modem, since when it's so easy to overflow a modem? The previous firewall was capped at 10000 and didn't run into cache problems.

Best Answer

As far as your user-level rsync is concerned, there is no network between the source directory /var/data and the destination /mnt/somedrive (the network transfer to the NFS server happens behind the scenes). Therefore trickle cannot work in this use case. On the other hand, the --bwlimit qualifier does work on local transfers.

The ionice option should help, but as the --rsync-path option is ignored on local transfers there's no point trying to apply it there.

See how this works for you

nice -n5 ionice -c2 -n3 rsync --bwlimit 2000K -avP --delete-after /var/data/ /mnt/somedrive

Note that your --bwlimit 2000K is actually 20Mb/s, which is considerably more than 50% of your maximum bandwidth.