Limiting bandwidth dynamically in Squid


In fact my problem is with users who download large files from internet in my network.

I have a Squid cache/proxy server in my network that is placed between my network and the Internet.

I thought terminating connections that is alive for a long time maybe helps to prevent users downloading large files. So ask it in SO in this post but didn't get clear answer. it seems it's impossible with Squid. :-/

Now, one solution that also suggested in that post is limiting bandwidth for each user: We just give a suitable bandwidth to each user and user can do anything (even downloading) without bothering others.

But as far as i know Squid can only assign some static bandwidths to users. So any user has a particular static bandwidth that cannot be changed. I seems this is not fair nor optimum, Because in idle situations (when little users are requesting) we should give them more bandwidth than their share in busy situations.

So in a fair system the bandwidth should be divided between available users considering a priority (some users should have more share than others). The share of any user depends on all available users. more users less share. Something like this:

UserBandwidth = (OverallAllBandWidth / NumberOfCurrentUsers)

If in one moment we only have one user, we should assign all bandwidth to him.


  • Is this solution possible with Squid?

  • Is it possible with any other software? How about Linux itself? I heard about some abilities in linux kernel for traffic shaping.

If it's impractical, what other solution would you suggest in order to:

  • prevent users from downloading (specially HTTP downloads)


  • enforce a bandwidth limit that is fair and certainly dynamic


Best Answer

You could use

acl aclname rep_mime_type mime-type

to block certain mime-types from downloading (eg iso's)



to set a ceiling on the biggest files that can be downloaded

you could also use free-sa to analyze your logs to see where the bandwidth is going

EDIT: Actually squid delay pools will do EXACTLY what you need.

read this article: