Linux – 403 Forbidden when trying to download file that was uploaded using SSH


I have FTP access to an Apache server on linux to upload files so that they can be downloadable from the web.

I recently was granted SSH access for extra permissions and figured that it would be quicker to download the files directly to the server, instead of downloading them to my machine then FTPing to the server.

When I downloaded a file using SSH to the server, and then placed it in the public_html directory, it was not visible from the web. The permissions (from SSH and the FTP client) were the same as all the other files that are visible, but it was not visible in the directory listing, and if I tried to type in the filename into my browser I would get a 403 error.

Obviously, when I FTP a file to the server something else happens that makes it web visible, that I am not currently privy to.

What am I missing that is causing the file to be invisible from the web? How can I fix it?

Best Answer

Possible causes:

  • umask issues (Unix file permissions)
  • selinux context
  • extended ACLs