Linux – (8)Exec format error: exec of ‘ /usr/local/download/’ when access file through apache


I had configure mod-auth-token in Apache install on Linux server.
I had configure it to enable security in access file while download from server.( As per given on its website here).

Apache configuration :

ScriptAlias /downloads/ /usr/local/download/
<Location /downloads/>
  AuthTokenSecret       "SECURESTR"
  AuthTokenPrefix       /downloads/
  AuthTokenTimeout      86400

I had generate URL for downloading file from server by simple java program ( which is same as example given here ).
I have below URL to access file

file is located at /usr/local/download/ folder.

When I tried to access / download this file I got the below exception that

[Tue May 13 02:07:28 2014] [error] (8)Exec format error: exec of '/usr/local/download/' failed
[Tue May 13 02:07:28 2014] [error] Premature end of script headers:  

I don't know what is problem.
Is anybody know how to solve this problem?

Best Answer

You have ScriptAlias /downloads/ /usr/local/download/, which tells Apache to run all of the files in /usr/local/download as CGI scripts, instead of just serving them up. That's why it says exec of '/usr/local/download/' failed. See ScriptAlias.

The solution is to replace ScriptAlias by Alias.