Linux – Access xfs quota info from NFS client


I've got an xfs filesystem (on a Centos 6.4 server) mounted via NFS on a client server (Centos 6.3). I can't seem to access the quota info from the client. It simply returns nothing for xfs_quota -c quota ... or xfs_quota -xc report ... or xfs_quota -c print

I need for users to be able to check their quotas from this client (a cluster head node), but I don't use user quotas for this FS, but instead project quotas.

Any thoughts? Thanks.

Best Answer

What worked for CentOS7 was to install quota package and enable the service on the file server:

yum install quota
systemctl enable rpc-rquota
systemctl start rpc-rquota

Then on the client the quota command returned user quota information. Previously I received "Connection refused" error:

$ quota
quota: error while getting quota from XXX.XXX.XX.XX:/XXXX/XXXX for XXXX (id XXXX): Connection refused


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