Linux – All the files uploaded have unusable permissions


I've just moved to a new server and have come across some strange permissions issues.

Every file I upload has permissions of 600, owned by the user account and is also in the same group. With this permission, the server is unable to make changes to these files.

The folder I'm uploading to (via regular sftp) has permissions of 755.

Why are any new files I upload here given this permission of 600? And how do I change it so that files added are given permissions so they can be modified by the webserver?

I installed vsftpd which has a setting in it to determine the default umask. Logging in via this ftp it works as expected. This does not fix the problem however when logging in via sftp.

Best Answer

My basic solution to this, is to create a script that sits between SSH and SFTP and changes the umask as the user logs in:

> vim /opt/

umask 022

Then edit the ssh_d config file (/etc/ssh/sshd_config) and edit the sftp SubSystem line to point to your script:

Subsystem       sftp    /opt/

Make sure you’ve set the permissions correctly on your new script:

> chmod 755 /opt/

Now files uploaded via SFTP should have the permissions 755!