SCP SSH – Allow SCP but Not Actual Login Using SSH


Is there any way to configure a user on a Linux box (Centos 5.2 in this case) so that they can use scp to retrieve files, but can't actually login to the server using SSH?

Best Answer

DEPRECATED: Please note the following answer is out of date. rssh is no longer maintained and is no longer a secure method.

rssh shell ( is designed for precisely this purpose.

Since RHEL/CentOS 5.2 doesn't include a package for rssh, you might look here to obtain an RPM:

To use it just set it as a shell for a new user like this:

useradd -m -d /home/scpuser1 -s /usr/bin/rssh scpuser1
passwd scpuser1

..or change the shell for an existing one like this:

chsh -s /usr/bin/rssh scpuser1

..and edit /etc/rssh.conf to configure rssh shell - especially uncomment allowscp line to enable SCP access for all rssh users.

(You may also want to use chroot to keep the users contained in their homes but that's another story.)