Linux – Allowing nagios plugin check_dhcp to work without setuid root


Nagios has a plugin, check_dhcp, that does exactly what you'd think. It's widely suggested to install it setuid root, because it uses SO_BINDTODEVICE, which usually only root can do. Of course a similar thing can be accomplished with sudo as well, but it remains that check_dhcp would be executing with the whole of root privileges when it doesn't need them.

Unfortunately, check_dhcp seems to be rather stupidly written for this usage, and does not make any attempt to drop root privileges after doing what it needs to do. This leads to at least one known security problem, but just generally is bad practice and I'd like to not do it.

So I'm wondering, is there some way I can enable check_dhcp to do its necessary network interface frobbing, without granting it outright all root privileges? Perhaps something with capabilities, SELinux, AppArmor, or similar? Looking for a Linux solution — Ubuntu 14.04 in particular.

Best Answer

SO_BINDTODEVICE requires CAP_NET_RAW. check_dhcp also wants to bind to port 68, which requires CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE. See capabilities(7) for detailed descriptions of the available capabilities.

These two capabilities can be granted to the executable with setcap, like this:

setcap 'cap_net_raw,cap_net_bind_service=+ep' /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_dhcp

This should allow any user to run check_dhcp successfully, without possibly (if they can exploit check_dhcp) giving them full root privileges.

The plugin will still (rather stupidly) emit a warning:

$ ./check_dhcp 
Warning: This plugin must be either run as root or setuid root.
To run as root, you can use a tool like sudo.
To set the setuid permissions, use the command:
    chmod u+s yourpluginfile
OK: Received 2 DHCPOFFER(s), max lease time = 259200 sec.

To address this, you could:

  • Ignore it. Nagios will still look at the exit status to get the plugin state.
  • Remove the call to np_warn_if_not_root and recompile.
  • Use the fork of the Nagios plugins, which has fixed this issue. has Debian packages available.
  • Modify the Nagios command definition to run the plugin through grep, removing the warning. Of course you must now take care to not alter the plugin's exit code, so maybe you want to wrap that up in a script:
/usr/lib/nagios3/plugins/check_dhcp | egrep -v 'run as root|^To |chmod u\+s'
exit "${PIPESTATUS[0]}"
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