Linux – amazon ec2 linux redhat server install unar package

amazon ec2linuxredhatsudoyum

I'm just trying to install unar package for the purpose of uncompress compressed files. What I've tried is

sudo yum install unar

But it shows "No package unar available".

I googled and downloaded a source file to build it. This is the link I found but it shows apt-get command. When I am trying this on my amazon server there is no command "apt-get". So I tried this with yum. Again it shows no package available.

Even I tried this also

sudo yum install build-essential libgnustep-base-dev libz-dev libbz2-dev libssl-dev libicu-dev

But the same error No package available for all these packages.

So my question is how to install unar or unarchiver package on my amazon ec2 server using yum command?

Someone help me please

Best Answer

To see what package contains a command, you can use sudo yum search unar. If you still can't find it, it may not be present in the repos you have enabled and you might need to enable additional repos or install that package manually or build it from source - just be sure any repos you add are trustworthy.