Apache – Redirecting Access Log to stdout on Linux


Is there any way to intercept Apache (1 or 2) access logs to stdout without :

  • modifying the config files
  • restarting the service

Currently my apache config file specifies "CustomLog /dev/null common"
System is Debian Etch.

Thanks in advance serverfault community !

EDIT : The idea would be to do what "strace -p" does with processes. I hoped apache2ctl or something would have a "dump current accesses" feature 😀

Best Answer

You might want to explain what your requirements and limitations are in more detail if you're looking for a solution to a particular problem. But as it stands, simply:

Can you intercept data going to /dev/null.


Can you tell Apache to log elsewhere without modifying it's config files or restarting the service.



It hadn't occured to me of using strace. But indeed, you could use it to inspect the write() calls.

strace -ewrite -s1000 -p<PID>

You're going to run into some difficulty though keeping track of processes. I don't think that strace's fork detection will necessarily help you. Which means that you'll be constantly running around to find which process handled a given request.

As for such a feature in Apache. That's horrible and wouldn't exist. I think you're an edge case ;)