Linux – Apache dav modules produce cadaver: Could not access / (not WebDAV-enabled?)


I installed apache then I am able to access the default page from the command line:

$ wget

Using webmin in web browser:


Servers>Apache WebServer>Global configuration>Configure Apache Modules>

Enable the dav modules:

Configure Apache Modules
Module    Current state
dav       Enable
dav_fs    Enable
dav_lock  Enable
<Enable Selected Modules>

Restarted apache at command line:

$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Invoke command line dav client:

$ cadaver
Could not access / (not WebDAV-enabled?):
405 Method Not Allowed
Connection to `' closed.

What is missing?

Best Answer

What does Apache's error log say? I find the error log to be very useful in troubleshooting WebDAV errors.

Did you enable WebDAV for any URLs? Example:

<Location />
   Dav On

Did you set up a DavLockDB?

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