Linux – Apache Tomcat not starting on Linux Server


I am attempting to get Apache Tomcat 5 started for a customer. (Yes, I know there are newer versions, but bear with me) Tomcat has previously run properly on this machine, but it is older and has not been used in awhile. It is a Linux server with a Bash shell.

Tomcat appears to be installed properly, however, when I try to start Tomcat, it says:

Starting Tomcat: Using CATALINA_BASE: /opt/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9/bin
Using CATALINA_HOME: /opt/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9/bin
Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /opt/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9/bin/temp
Using JRE_HOME: /usr/java/jre1.5.0_11

When I check the status, it says it is stopped. In catalina.out, it says:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/catalina/startup/Bootstrap

However, Bootstrap.jar exists in /opt/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9/bin!

I have done a lot of Googling, but no luck. Am I missing something here?


Best Answer

CATALINA_BASE and CATALINA_HOME should point to:


and not to:

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