Linux / apache web-server segmentation fault warnings


Lately I have been receiving a lot of segmentation fault warnings on my web-server.

The warnings look like:

[notice] child pid xxxx exit signal Segmentation fault (11)

I have consulted with the server provider (it is a dedicated redhat enterprise server) and they could not find anything.

What I have done so far:

Since the error I have already tried the following:

  • I have added more ram
  • I have turned off / turned on several php modules (they sent me to a web-page someone had the same problem, caused by an excessive amount of php modules)

At the moments the warnings occur, there seems to be plenty of free ram left and the number of processes is very low (the number of httpd processes is about a quarter of the maximum allowed).

What can be causing these errors?

Edit: current versions

  • apache: 2.0.52
  • php: 5.2.8
  • RHEL 4

Edit 2: Although I asked this a long time ago, I never was able to solve it until I upgraded to php 5.3.

Best Answer

Have observed "exit signal Segmentation fault (11)" error lot of times. This happens when some scripts dont complete while apache crashes.

If you are using PHP based website on apache this is very likely to happen.

If at all you are using PHP, check following config in php config in conf.d/php.conf:

<Files *.php>
    SetOutputFilter PHP
    SetInputFilter PHP
    LimitRequestBody 524288

Remove the LimitRequestBody line. and observe. The error should go away.

Also if you are using apache with php following versions work perfectly. apache 2.0.43 and php 4.3.0_RC1

Note: This answer is purely based on my past research on the error and issue faced by me. Let me know your current configuration and feedback.

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