Linux – Auditd is not logging events for some watched files


We have configured auditd to log all access to certain critical files. The system runs WebLogic Server and we want to know if anyone is trying to poke around sensitive system files, such as the domain configuration file, encryption salt, et cetera. In some cases on some systems in the past, this worked as expected, but recently it has not, and I am at my wits' end trying to figure out why. So I am going against my nature and seeking outside assistance with this issue.

Relevant data points and possible leads I have been investigating:

  • We recently picked up an updated system image with a new kernel version.
  • The system image is OEL5 (essentialy RHEL5/CentOS 5)
  • When I reboot the system, it only loads a minimal ruleset:
    # auditctl -l
    LIST_RULES: exit,always dir=/etc/audit (0xa) perm=wa key=auditsys
    LIST_RULES: exit,always dir=/var/log/audit (0xe) perm=wa key=auditsys

Despite the full rules file still being in place.

When I try to restart the audit daemon (service auditd restart), I get the following error message:

Error sending add rule data request (No such file or directory)
There was an error in line 30 of /etc/audit/audit.rules

which turns out to be because one of the files we have told it to watch does not exist yet. I resolve this by creating the file manually, and repeat for every subsequent error. It seems to me therefore that one cannot have the audit daemon watch a path pre-emptively and report initial creation of a given file.

Can anyone suggest a workaround or alternative solution to this issue?

Best Answer

Two thoughts here:

1) Consider using a -i in your rules file.

"Ignore errors when reading rules from a file. This causes auditctl to always return a success exit code."

This keeps parsing on errors and picks up other rules. Otherwise, you end up with only the rules before the error. Obviously there is downside here, but sometimes it's better to have the correct rules in place regardless.

2) A simple hack to address directories/files that are not around at startup is to restart/reload auditd once the system reaches it's running state.

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