Linux – Automatically Blacklist Failed Auth Attempts Via htaccess


Ubuntu 9.10
Apache 2.2.12

Hi Guys,

I'm using a very basic htaccess setup to "protect" a portion of my site (non-critical portion but something I'd like to require basic auth to).

Is there a way to blacklist IPs that fail to provide the appropriate credentials too many times? I'd like to prevent users from having opportunities to guess username/passwords combinations over and over again…

Best Answer

Do you have root access to the server? There are a few programs that monitor log files for changes, checking for failed auth attempts. After X many failed attempts (user configurable) they then block the originating IP address (temporarily, if desired).

The two that I can remember are:

  • Fail2ban: install with sudo apt-get install fail2ban in Ubuntu then change the /etc/fail2ban/jail.local file (if it doesn't exist, just sudo cp /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf /etc/fail2ban/jail.local ). The options in 'jail.local' are pretty self-explatatory but if you want more info you can check out the documentation at

  • BlockHosts: (it's a little older, i'm not sure if it's still up to date) To install, follow the instructions at

  • there are probably a whole heap more...

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