Linux – Automatically distribute lvm (stripes) for specific LVM2 VG on Linux


With Linux lvm2 I can create logical volumes inside a VG. When I specify with the lvcreate command striping/stripesize I can manually distribute the logical volumes over all physical volumes (as shown for lvnova below).

Is there a way to configure that lvcreate will always stripe and especially that if I create new LVs that they should be created round robin on the devices? (i.e. without specifying a physical "start" device in each lvcreate)

I need this to be configured persistently for a volume group which is used by OpenStack Nova for ephemeral devices. It looks like I cannot configure the lvm driver to actually distribute them more evenly.

I was looking for a way to specify it as attributes on the VG (since lvcreate is talking about inheriting allocations), but I cant find it in the manual.

The LVs have allocation policy inherit and the VG tells me it is normal:

# vgchange vgdata --alloc normal
Volume group allocation policy is already normal

I was also looking if there is a allocation policy inside lvm.conf. But there are only parameters for the cling2 strategy which does especially keep segments close together when extending a volume (which is not my main concern here).

Sample for a manually striped LV and for a OpenStack generated one volumes on a 4 physical volume system:

nvme0n1                                                               259:0    0   1.5T  0 disk
└─nvme0n1p1                                                           259:4    0   1.5T  0 part
  ├─vgdata-lvnova (dm-0)                                              252:0    0   750G  0 lvm  /srv/data
  ├─vgdata-ec3d1f0d--76f2--4cb2--af66--665dba0582b1_disk (dm-3)       252:3    0    50G  0 lvm
  ├─vgdata-ec3d1f0d--76f2--4cb2--af66--665dba0582b1_disk.swap (dm-4)  252:4    0     8G  0 lvm
  ├─vgdata-290ef35d--6d84--49cf--8d7d--3240dcd84a3e_disk (dm-5)       252:5    0    20G  0 lvm
nvme1n1                                                               259:1    0   1.5T  0 disk
└─nvme1n1p1                                                           259:5    0   1.5T  0 part
  └─vgdata-lvnova (dm-0)                                              252:0    0   750G  0 lvm  /srv/data
nvme2n1                                                               259:2    0   1.5T  0 disk
└─nvme2n1p1                                                           259:6    0   1.5T  0 part
  └─vgdata-lvnova (dm-0)                                              252:0    0   750G  0 lvm  /srv/data
nvme3n1                                                               259:3    0   1.5T  0 disk
└─nvme3n1p1                                                           259:7    0   1.5T  0 part
  └─vgdata-lvnova (dm-0)                                              252:0    0   750G  0 lvm  /srv/data

root@compute18:~# lvs --segments
  LV                                             VG     Attr      #Str Type    SSize
  lv-root                                        vg0    -wi-ao---    1 linear  223.52g
  lv-swap                                        vg0    -wi-ao---    1 linear   46.56g
  17bad6e1-41f0-4725-a74d-7a1f1df5f0b6_disk      vgdata -wi-ao---    1 linear   20.00g
  17bad6e1-41f0-4725-a74d-7a1f1df5f0b6_disk.swap vgdata -wi-ao---    1 linear    1.00g
  189585e0-9b69-4d7c-b1b4-194156312553_disk      vgdata -wi-ao---    1 linear   20.00g
  lvnova                                         vgdata -wi-ao---    4 striped 750.00g

BTW: I used a striped /dev/md0 before but I was hoping to get rid of this indirection.

This is Linux 4.4.0 on Ubuntu Trusty (lvm with KVM/nova OS Liberty.

Best Answer

You can configure this in /etc/lvm.conf. If you set raid_stripe_all_devices=1 the default should be striped instead of linear. You should also take a look at use_linear_target.

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