Linux – bash script loop until webserver response 200


I'm struggling to create a bash script that monitors the web service and if is down to restart the service in a while loop until it comes back up with a 200 status response.

Example :

HTTPD=`curl -A "Web Check" -sL --connect-timeout 3 -w "%{http_code}\n" "" -o /dev/null`
until [ "$HTTPD" == "200" ]; do
    printf '.'
    sleep 5
    service nginx restart


while [ "$HTTPD" != "200" ];
   service nginx restart
   sleep 5
   if [ "$HTTPD" == "200" ];then
        service nginx restart

Both of them are working like 80% , the problem is that the loop will not re-check the status of $HTTPD response and break the loop.

I could add HTTPD=200; after restart line , but I want the script to check for the real status response.

EDIT: Working version


HTTPD=`curl -A "Web Check" -sL --connect-timeout 3 -w "%{http_code}\n" "" -o /dev/null`
until [ "$HTTPD" == "200" ]; do
    printf '.'
    sleep 3
    service nginx restart
    HTTPD=`curl -A "Web Check" -sL --connect-timeout 3 -w "%{http_code}\n" "" -o /dev/null`

Best Answer

Don't reinvent the wheel. Plenty of tools do this already. Also, you check the status of the web server exactly once at the startup of the script (the curl command doesn't get executed every time you reference the $HTTP variable, but only once when you initially define the variable. You would need to add the HTTP=\curl` line into the loop.