Linux – Best practice, or generally best way to set up web-hosting server, permissions, etc


I'm about to set up a server upon which a friend and I will be hosting web sites, and I'll be using Debian. I've set up a LAMP solution many times just to using for local testing purposes, but never for actual production use.

I was wondering what are the best practices are in terms of setting the server up, in reference specifically to accessing the web root directory. A couple of the options I have seen:

  • Set up a single user account on the server for us both to use and use a virtual host to point to the somewhere in the home directory, e.g. /home/webdev/www.
  • Set each of us up a user account, and grant permissions in some way to /var/www (What would be the best way? Set up a new group?)

I want to get this right when I first set this up as there won't be any going back for a while once our first site is up and running.

Appreciate any guidance in advance.

Best Answer

HERE is a link from a sister site, with a pretty good coverage of topics.

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