Linux – Best way to debug MySQL slow queries


First of all I like to inform you that I am a new User on Linux administration and I need some help.

I own a CloudLinux web server, and I am faced with a MySQL Slow Queries problem. The problem is that I have several users on my host, that run lot's of slow queries, and this has as a result the MySQL Service termination (I suppose that is termination. In reality, the MySQL server does not respond at all).

The question now is, how can I debug this queries ? I know about the slow queries log file. Already I have see the file, but the content is too hard to get read it. So is there any better way used by Pro ?

Kind regards

Best Answer

Use the Percona query digest tool to build summaries of the slow query log. This will help you find the slowest of the slow:

Then use mysql's EXPLAIN command to figure out WHY a particular query is slow:

Hope this helps

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