Linux – Best way to go about changing a root password on 3000+ Solaris, AIX, and Linux servers


Long story short: Big old corporation, lots of UNIX/Linux servers.

I inherited responsibility for a bunch of scripts that that left a few years ago. One of them was a script that would be run every $X amount of months to globally update the root password across all of our servers.

The script is a mess of Shell Script and Expect, and it works on the SSH trust that is set up between all of our servers and a central command-and-control server.

The problem is, the script is a giant mess. The Expect commands are trying to account for every possible version of "passwd" that exists on any UNIX/Linux box out there – and they vary quite a bit.

As we're expanding and upgrading a lot of our infrastructure, the script is getting really unmanageable.

My question is: Is there a better way to do this? Assuming there's an already established SSH trust, what's the best way to change the root password on 3000+ servers at the same time?

Best Answer

Use Puppet.

Puppet is very flexible, easy to maintain and uses SSL. Might sound a bit overkill and you'll have to put some extra effort to build Puppet system up.

But. Most probably this is not the last mass-update you'll be doing to these machines. Puppet will and does save you a lot of time when actual whatever mass-update procedure begins and scripts are very readable/reusable.

At least this worked for me few years back and still I'm able to re-use some of those Puppet recipes (aka scripts). I have also used it in a bit smaller environments just make sure that every machine is actually having a known state.

I have proven it many times (at many companies) that all customised deployment scripts become pain in the butt after a while or when that next guy steps in. And as long as you carry a cellphone, old scripts will and do haunt you.

If you think that this actually sounds good, here's a great Puppet tutorial with virtual environment included to get you started.

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