Linux – Blob not found: Error when uploading tar.gz to Azure storage container using linux script



The portal displays this Blob not found. error

enter image description here

This is the XML error I get when I hit the download button

        The specified resource does not exist. RequestId:bea21dfd-0001-004f-26e0-220af6000000 Time:2015-11-19T15:38:55.9836819Z


I've been trying to implement a workaround for backing up my IaaS v2 Ubuntu VM in Azure. Thanks to an excellent answer I received on Server Fault recently, I decided the best route would just be to periodically back up my server using tar and a cronjob.

So, I googled "tar backup on linux azure VM" – which brought me to this article, namely: How to do Linux backups on Azure without shutting the VM down.

The tutorial outlines a process which executes the tar command, and then uploads the tar to an azure storage container using the credentials listed. Here is the script in question:

# full system backup

# Backup destination

# Labels for backup name
distro=`uname -a | awk '{print $4}'` 
date=$(date "+%F")

#blob storage variables

# Exclude file location
prog=${0##*/} # Program name from filename

#check backup destination is there
if [ ! -d "$backdest" ]; then
        mkdir -p $backdest

# Check if exclude file exists
if [ ! -f $exclude_file ]; then
  echo "checking exclude $exclude_file"
  echo -n "No exclude file exists, continue? (y/n): "
  read continue
  if [ $continue == "n" ]; then exit; fi

#don't use nohup we want to make this blocking
tar --exclude-from=$exclude_file -czpvf $backupfile /

#after tar is finished move to blob storage
azure storage blob upload -a $storageAccountName --container $storageContainer -k $storageAccountKey $backupfile

echo "all done!"

Everything seems to go well, the script runs the backup, and then uploads the tar.gz as a block blob. But, as you can see from the above error, the Blob isn't found. The storage container is set to "Container" (as opposed to "Private").

I have no idea how to even start troubleshooting this. What do I do? Any help at all would be appreciated. Thanks very much!

Best Answer

Blob names require you to escape reserved URL characters. Your blob name starts with a # which is a reserved URL character. I suspect the issue will resolve itself when you remove that character (or escape it). Note: I haven't confirmed this with an independent test, but it's the first time I've ever seen a blob name with a # character...

More info on blob naming here.

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