Linux – block level vs. file level cloning


I've always been a block level kinda guy but I'm interested in hearing some real world experiences with file level cloning. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages as well as what tools work the best.

Best Answer

Well the most obvious advantage of file-level cloning is that you don't waste time cloning unused blocks. Eg a clone of a 40G partition with 10G of data will require 40G of reads and 40G of writes on the block level, but close to 10G of reads and 10G of writes on the file level.

One minor benefit of file-level cloning, is that it effectively perfectly de-fragments your filesystem at the same time, whereas block-level cloning clones fragmentation as well.

Block-level cloning is simpler, and you don't have to worry about any kind of permissions or other issues, you know for 100% certain the clone will be identical to the original, but it's possible for file-level cloning to go wrong if you mess up your settings.