Linux – Blocking password based logins with usermod, allowing public key logins


The manpage for usermod says this about locking a users account:

   -L, --lock
       Lock a user's password. This puts a ´!´ in front of the encrypted password, effectively disabling the password. You can´t use this option with -p or -U.

I have tried to use this to have a user only log in with the public key, but when I lock the account I get a password prompt.
When I unlock the account again the public key works.

Edited: to make it clear: I want to be able to log in using the key still, and somehow locking the user gives me a password prompt when trying to use the key

Best Answer

As the man page says, this effectively locks the password - as in, it makes it impossible to use the existing password on this account.

It does not disable password-based login - you need to set the correct sshd(8) options for that.

I assume you mean "remotely login via ssh", since I don't know how a public key would be used locally.

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