Linux Bridge, Samba netbios name/hostname access


I am currently running a linux bridge in the following configuration

alt text

ADSL Modem:

Linux Bridge:


eth1: no address

Wireless Router:

My issue is that i cannot access the "Linux Bridge" shares using the WINS name of the server via client systems (yes i understand it is a transparent bridge but i can access it via the address this is not on the same subnet as the client systems).

This is the global section of my SMB.CONF

        unix extensions = off
        os level = 20
        netbios name = server
        guest account = nobody
        server string = 447 Server
        security = share
        #unix extensions = no
        #wins support = yes
        #wins server =
        name resolve order = wins lmhosts hosts bcast
        interfaces bridge1 eth0 eth1 lo
        bind interfaces only = yes

Can i access a bridged server using it's WINS name to access samba shares?



Best Answer

Personally I suspect the majority of your issues are related to your wireless router.

Setup your wireless router like described here so it will act as a bridge instead of a router. Your network will be far simpler and will most likely work correctly. You will not need WINS or DNS. Broadcast-based name resolution should work.

You don't mention how your clients connected to the wireless router get their IP address. Are they set statically or do you have DHCP setup. If you have DHCP setup are you sending options 44 with a list of WINS servers and 46 with the node type? If your clients are not setup to use the WINS server then they will not use it.

As an another alternatively why not setup a DNS server on your Linux box and push that to your clients. Setup a zone for your local network and deliver a search domain to the clients that corresponds to the domain you have setup.