Linux – Buy a NAS box or build a Linux Server


The company I work for are looking at setting up a NAS like system.
What we require is:

  • Plenty of storage (4TB+)
  • RAID redundancy (minimal 1 mirrored pair)
  • Expandability to add more hard drives if needed

Optionally it will be able to run a source control server (Git/SVN) and a web server/database

On the server we will be reading/writing large project file (Photoshop design files 500MB+ and the like) regularly, to about 10-20 clients.

It will need to be accessible by Windows, Linux and OS X. We require files to be locked down based on user permissions.

We are looking at purchasing 2 identical systems, one as a complete offset backup which is communicated to with a short point to point wireless network.

We have looked at 2 possible options:

  • A dedicated NAS box which costs about $5,000 each NZD (4k USD, 2.7K Euro)
  • Build a custom Linux box sourcing parts directly ($1.5k – $3.5K NZD) each

What would you recommended?

  • Hardware?
  • Software?
  • OS?
  • Buy prebuilt or make our own?
  • RAID?
  • SATA?
  • Minimum specs?
  • Anything Im missing?

(To re-iterate, the most important things is OS X compatibility, plenty of storage, cost effective)

Best Answer

Too broad question.

I won't speculate on minimal specs, but if you are going to serve large files to two dozen customers, then SATA+RAID5/6 seems like the way to go performance-wise.

NAS vs custom built Linux box. Two factors here: 1) Availability of admins experienced with Linux whom you trust enough to believe if they say "Yes, we can do this". 2) HW support of the parts you order. Still, if you decide to build your own system, then you may be able to have 3 boxes for the price of 1 NAS system (according to your own calculations), so you could have 2 in production and one idle, ready to be cannibalized in case of any failure.

NAS boxes give you: External support -- somebody else to blame if things go pear-shaped ;). Usually more user-friendly interface (click here to setup your box) and, usually, ability to replace failed disk by a trained monkey. They also have a limited feature set, which you cannot realistically expect to be changed on your request.

Custom-made Linux system will be much more flexible, give more bang per buck, no artificial limits of feature lists and ease of expansion (throw more HDDs into it). OTOH they will require somebody, who knows what he is doing, to handle them. Also, if your main board/disk controller dies terribly, you can just move the HDDs into any Linux box and have your data available. This may not be the case with a NAS box if it uses a HW RAID solution.

As far as OS-X support goes I think you should be happy with NFS, but last time I was configuring a file server for Macs it was XXth century outside and the boxes talked AppleTalk.

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