Linux – Can a hosting provider access files inside our VPS accounts


I'm curious how VPS accounts work. I know my shared hosting provider can look through my files since they've changed things in the past. If I purchase a VPS account, like from Linode or Slicehost for example, would the folks there be able to see my clients' files I've hosted inside my VPS account? Or would they need an authorized ssh key to do so?

Best Answer

Ultimately there is nothing keeping them from accessing your virtual server's disk. If you are using something like Linode or Slicehost then they wouldn't do it by logging in as root unless you gave them the password. What they could do however is shut your VPS down and then mount the virtual disks on the virtual machine host. At that point all the files on your virtual server would be accessible to them. Another way of thinking about this is that if you had a physical server you leased from someone they as well could shut the server down, remove the disks and stick them in their own server to get access to what the disks contained. A VPS just makes extracting the "drives" easier.

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