Linux – Can Linux file permissions be fooled


I came across this example today and I wondered how reliable Linux file permissions are for hiding information

$ mkdir fooledYa
$ mkdir fooledYa/ohReally
$ chmod 0300 fooledYa/
$ cd fooledYa/
$ ls 
>>> ls: cannot open directory .: Permission denied
$ cd ohReally
$ ls -ld .
>>> drwxrwxr-x 2 user user 4096 2012-05-30 17:42 .

Now I am not a Linux OS expert, so I have no doubt that someone out there will explain to me that this is perfectly logical from the OS's point of view. However, my question still stands, is it possible to fool, not hack, the OS into letting you view files/inode info which you are not supposed to? What if I had issued the command chmod 0000 fooledYa, could an experienced programmer find some round about way to read a file such as fooledYa/ohReally/foo.txt?

Best Answer

$ ls -lhd fooledYa/
d-wx------ #snip

First thing's first: I can write to the directory (make new entries) and I can execute (cd) to the directory. I can't read the directory, though. What that means isn't intuitive.

When you work with directories in Unix systems, the directory point to inodes, which are different things than the pointer entry. Being able to follow references down a directory tree is controlled by the eXecute bit. For each directory level down the tree, the operating system checks the execute bit before descending to the next level.

Meanwhile, the Read bit controls accessing the inode's contents. Everything you can reference on your filesystem is an inode entry. Directories or files, they point to an inode.

ls -ldi fooledYa/
121100226 d-wx------ #snip

In this case, the directory inode is 121100226. The read permission tells whether I can access that inode file in userspace to read its contents. The contents of the directory inode are the references to other files. The kernel can always read that. You as a user are controlled by the kernel's decisions regarding the entries within that.

Thus, since ls tries to read the contents to tell me what's there (as checked by the Read flag), it is denied. Since I still have eXecute permission, however, the kernel will allow me to traverse to files that I specify if the directories above the file I want all permit me to eXecute into them, regardless of whether I can read them to see what the reference.

So, to summarize for directories, think of execute as a master permission. Without it, you can't enter the directory to do anything. After that, think of them as a two column file. If you have read permission, you can see the entries. If you have write permission, you can add or remove entries. If you lack those two permissions but have execute, you can make references to entries in the list, but you cannot read the list.

This is a good illustrative examples of inodes and how they represent directory references and file block on disk references: