Linux – Can not ssh into ubuntu server using .local (on one server but not the other)


I have two servers and one seems to have configured something "out of the box" to allow "ssh servername.local" to work. I really like this and looked into it, but I don't see any difference in their configurations.

server1: (ssh by name works)
$ cat /etc/hosts localhost server1

server2: (ssh by name does not work)
$ cat /etc/hosts localhost server2

server1.local connects fine, server2.local gets this response:

ssh: Could not resolve hostname server2.local: Name or service not known

I have done nothing to set up DNS, and the revolv.conf files of both servers are the same.

server2 is running ubuntu server 9.04 32-bit (jaunty), and server1 is running ubuntu desktop 9.10 64-bit (karmic).

Can anyone tell me where I should look to see what is different, and why it works on one but not the other?

Best Answer

Avahi needs to be running on both machines. Its the daemon that provide mDNS services.

root@rilindo-desktop:~# ps -ef | grep avahi avahi 903 1 0 Jan01 ? 00:00:05 avahi-daemon: registering [rilindo-desktop.local] avahi 904 903 0 Jan01 ? 00:00:00 avahi-daemon: chroot helper root 18206 15276 0 11:23 pts/2 00:00:00 grep avahi

Assuming that port 5353 is not filtered/blocked on the machines, you'll need to validate avahi's configuration.