Linux: can only su into a user, no console, no ssh


Got an odd one.

I have a centos box that I've inherited the care of, and all the user accounts appear
to behave as expected with one exception, call it 'weirduser'.

the only way to get to 'weirduser' is to

$  su - weirduser  or
$  su weirduser

and then put in weirduser's password.

I cannot log into weirduser interactively from a console, or from an ssh session using either keypairs or the password.

Other information:

$ grep weird /etc/passwd 

]$ ls -ld /home/weirduser
drwxrws--- 21 weirduser weird 4096 Sep 30 17:40 /home/weirduser

$ su - weirduser
[weirduser ~]$ id
uid=500(weirduser) gid=501(weird) groups=501(weird)

$ grep -ir osi /etc/pam.d
[weirduser ~]$ 

There are no AllowUsers or DenyUsers or AllowGroups or DenyGroups in the sshd_config.

Not sure where to go from here. Any suggestions?


Best Answer

Turns out it's configured in a file called /etc/login.block

Thanks to all.