Linux – Can pdo_sqlsrv driver be installed on Linux/Ubuntu with php 5.5.3 using pecl install pdo_sqlsrv

linuxPHPsql serverUbuntu

In all likelihood, I have overlooked a fine print somewhere, so this question may sound stupid, but will clear my doubts.

I spent hours trying to install pdo_sqlsrv PDO driver on Ubuntu 13.04 PHP 5.5.3 server. The attempt was based upon a phpinfo() screen-shot sent to me showing such a driver available and enabled. So, I tried to get it working on a Ubuntu-PHP machine.

I saw pdo_sqlsrv and sqlsrv available when I check with

pecl search sqlsrv

Upon trying to install it (pecl install pdo_sqlsrv), I encountered phpize issue : "cannot find config.m4" (-this issue has a lot of coverage on web, but no clear solution).

However, it later dawned upon me what-if this module is for a Windows based setup and not for a Linux based PHP. Can somebody confirm that and point me to ideal setup for PHP with MSSQL driver enabled.