Linux – Cannot kill process in Linux: httpd -k start


I cannot kill the following process:

 0.0  1620 17462 /home/mertnuhoglu/webapps/django/apache2/bin/httpd -k start

I give kill command but httpd instance still runs:

[mertnuhoglu@web145 dj02]$ kill -9 17462
[mertnuhoglu@web145 dj02]$ ps -u mertnuhoglu -o pcpu,rss,pid,command

 0.0  3532 18479 /home/mertnuhoglu/webapps/django/apache2/bin/httpd -k start

The process id changes but the httpd instance still runs. How can I kill that httpd instance definitely?

Best Answer

The parameter -k start tells httpd to restart itself if it gets killed. You have to stop the process.

/home/mertnuhoglu/webapps/django/apache2/bin/httpd -k stop

Or, if started with apachectl:

/home/mertnuhoglu/webapps/django/apache2/bin/apachectl stop