Linux – Cannot track down the large size file/direcotry under /root


OS: RHEL 6.9

My file system /dev/mapper/vg_rayruhsso-lv_root that is mounted on / has no available size.

# df -h
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
                      148G  145G     0 100% /
tmpfs                  20G     0   20G   0% /dev/shm
/dev/sda1             477M   41M  411M   9% /boot
                      270G   54G  202G  22% /home

What I want to solve
Figuring out what consumed the whole space (I don't want to extend it's size, since it was extended last week from 52G to 148G). The problem is that while tracking down, I found that /root is consuming much space (128G).

# du -sh *
9.3M    bin
39M     boot
4.0K    CdbsMutex
4.0K    cgroup
180K    dev
41M     etc
54G     home
215M    lib
28M     lib64
16K     lost+found
4.0K    media
0       misc
4.0K    mnt
0       net
70M     opt
du: cannot access `proc/4754/task/4754/fd/4': No such file or directory
du: cannot access `proc/4754/task/4754/fdinfo/4': No such file or directory
du: cannot access `proc/4754/fd/4': No such file or directory
du: cannot access `proc/4754/fdinfo/4': No such file or directory
0       proc
128G    root
17M     sbin
0       selinux
4.0K    srv
0       sys
5.5M    tmp
12G     u01
3.2G    usr
2.0G    var

I have checked its sub-directories and found out that the largest file/directory in there is 330M even though du -sh displays 128G.

#du -sh /root/*
4.0K    /root/anaconda-ks.cfg
4.0K    /root/Desktop
4.0K    /root/Documents
4.0K    /root/Downloads
64K     /root/install.log
12K     /root/install.log.syslog
4.0K    /root/Music
4.0K    /root/Pictures
4.0K    /root/Public
4.0K    /root/Templates
330M    /root/veritas
4.0K    /root/Videos

# cd /root/
# du -sh

What's wrong? How to investigate what file is consuming all this space?

I tried to find out the open files but I didn't return any output:

lsof | grep deleted

Any idea?


# du -h --max-depth=1 /root | sort -h
4.0K    /root/Desktop
4.0K    /root/Documents
4.0K    /root/Downloads
4.0K    /root/.gvfs
4.0K    /root/Music
4.0K    /root/.nautilus
4.0K    /root/Pictures
4.0K    /root/Public
4.0K    /root/Templates
4.0K    /root/Videos
8.0K    /root/.abrt
8.0K    /root/.ssh
12K     /root/.dbus
16K     /root/.gnote
16K     /root/.gnupg
16K     /root/.thumbnails
20K     /root/.cache
28K     /root/.gnome2
64K     /root/.config
144K    /root/.pulse
276K    /root/.gconf
364K    /root/.local
396K    /root/.kde
330M    /root/veritas
128G    /root

Best Answer

After a bit forth and back, and a private discussion...

Use du -h --max-depth=1 /root | sort -h to search for your space consuming stuff.

At the moment you are skipping the dot-files and dot-directories, due to glob expansion of du -sh /root/*.

Now with the results including the dot-files and dot-folders from the edit, it seems the files consuming the space are directly in /root.
To get an overview of which files take most space in /root use the command as follows.

ls -alhSr /root
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