Can’t Access Kibana Remotely – Curl Successful on Machine – Fix


I've installed Kibana on rhel and am I'm trying to access remotely on http://server-url:5601.

I've installed elasticsearch and am able to access that remotely on http://server-url:9200

I've added

in the kibana.yml.

I've made sure the nsg is letting it through and have added to the firewall. I have also installed elasticsearch and that is working on port:9200 – What I did on the firewall and nsg for 9200 I did exactly the same for 5601 so I feel it's a config issue not a firewall issue.

Also I can successfully curl kibana from the machine locally

When running netstat -nlp | grep :5601 I get the below result:

tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      33072/node


Best Answer

Your output of netstat -nlp is showing that Kibana is only listening on the loopback device Since you already changed the configuration, you either didn't restart the service properly after changing it, or you modified the wrong configuration file.

When the service is started using the edited configuration file it will be shown as instead.

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