Linux – Can’t restart dovecot on Debian Linux server


The standard command "/etc/init.d/dovecot restart" has no effect on my Debian version 5.0.4 server running dovecot 1.1.0. Similarly /etc/init.d/dovecot stop has no effect. The dovecot logs do not show anything. The dovecot file is unchanged after the command and ps shows the same PID for dovecot.

I'm trying to get dovecot to reload its config file to listen on ports 110 and 995 to support MS Outlook clients who claim that they cannot change the POP3 port on outlook to use port 995. I don't have MS Outlook myself to confirm this.

I finally restarted the process by manually running start-stop-daemon with parameters copied from the init script. The restart is logged and is updated.

After restarting dovecot netstat shows that it is still listening on port 995 only. I have listen =, in dovecot.conf.

Best Answer

The init script should do nothing if dovecot is being run from inetd

have you something in /etc/inetd.conf ?