Linux – Capistrano fails to delete folders/files created by Apache



Capistrano deploys a web application via SSH using deploy user.
Apache/PHP runs under typical www-data user.

Web server is creating cache files and folders at runtime inside the app path. Example:

-rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 71758 Apr 29 14:33 /var/www/

Capistrano deploy:cleanup attempts to delete olders releases, which contains theses cache files but fails since user deploy has no write permission on the cache files.

Error reported:

cannot remove `/var/www/' : Permission denied

Usual solution, ACL

My usual solution for this was to set deploy in www-data group and www-data in deploy group and set ACLs so new files/folders always get group-write rights.

My current server filesystem doesn't support acl…

Attempted solution, sticky bit

My attempt was to set a sticky bit on the whole app folder. This was attempted while both users are in the other's group.

chmod -R g+rwsx /var/www/

This works well for new files, but sticky bit doesn't propagate to new folder (which is my problem)


How to set up permissions so Capistrano(via SSH with user deploy) delete files and folders created by Apache with user www-data.

Best Answer

Best solution so far is to use the PHP umask function at the beginning of each script.

# Make sure all files written are writable by group. 
# Also execute bit so directory's content is listable

This ensure all files and folders created under normal circumstances have group-write permission and execute bit so content is list-able.

Yet this could cause problems with libraries ignoring the umask and applying permissions manually.