Linux – “cd” in linux shell script returns “command not found!”


I have written a shell script called "" in linux with one line:

cd ..

: and then I run this with:

chmod +x
sh ./

: how do I run this without getting :

"Command not found" or "Can't cd". Maybe I have been looking at this code too long or am I doing something obviously wrong??

Note: I have since found out what was wrong. Emacs was inserting some strange "^m" character at the end of every line

Best Answer

cd is a builtin to your shell. Anything like /usr/bin/cd or /bin/cd just there for weird magical reasons.

First run this.

which sh

This will output the path to your sh executable

Try adding a shebang to your script. So the entire file looks like this

cd ..

If that doesn't work then clarify the steps you've taken as Stefan has asked. As well as paste the exact error message.