Linux – centos 6.2 remote kickstart installation


Using centos 6.2 I would like to kickoff installation via a kickstart file on a remote machine. In centos 5 I noticed that there is an initial prompt where the kickstart location can be set, but I haven't seen anything similar in the centos6 boot process.

At the moment I've attempted to use the netinstall ISO, but it seems to only give the option to select an "installation image".

Is there a way to point to a remote kickstart file (using minimal or netinstall ISOs) without the need to create a custom ISO?

Best Answer

Using the netinstall or regular DVD, Press TAB to edit your kernel boot options.

enter image description here

After doing so, you will receive a prompt where you can add kernel options or change the boot lines.

In the example below, I've added a basic command to fetch the kickstart from a remote server.

Note - the format is no longer linux ks= You just need to append your settings to the existing line.

enter image description here