Linux – Centos how to set default permissions for specific folder


I have a centos server that one of my apps creates files in a tmp folder. The files are always created with the permissions r–r–r– and i need all the new files in this directory to be created with at the least, the permissions rw-rw-rw-.

How can i achieve this?

Here's my current setup. I've chmod 777 everything in the /page folder. Then when i run something in my app, it creates or modifies files and they are not rw-r–r–.


ls -ald
drwxrwsrwx 2 tomstest psacln 12288 Aug  2 20:32 .


ls -al
-rw-r--r--  1 tomstest psacln     2 Aug  2 20:32 size
-rwxrwxrwx  1 tomstest psacln     5 Jul 20 16:58 version

My app errors I think because of the line that is rw-r–r–.

Best Answer

umask can help but DON'T do this. Why did you want to give other user the write (w) permission?

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