Linux – CentOS No Login Prompt After rc.local Executes


This is a CentOS 6.4 server with no GUI. After rc.local executes in the boot sequence, I am not presented with a console style login prompt. I can type characters on the screen but there is no login prompt nor shell.

I checked /etc/init/tty.conf and /etc/init/start-ttys.conf. Everything looks normal. I am able to access the server via the recovery console and see no errors in the log files.

Please note: I converted an Amazon EC2 Machine to a RAW file, converted it to VMDK, and it is booting in VMware Fusion.

Best Answer

Default TTY's are configured in /etc/sysconfig/init. Please make sure the ACTIVE_CONSOLES= line is configured with the default value /dev/tty[1-6].

# What ttys should gettys be started on?