Linux – CentOS Stop CD-ROM from mounting at boot


How can I stop CentOS 5.3 from trying to mount my CD-ROM drives during boot?

What will it affect if I disable it? Will my USB Drives still automount?

Additional Information

There is no entries in the fstab or mtab to automount the drives. It is the first place I checked. Also a grep of the etc and underlying directories for /media/cdrom did not bring up anything remotely useful in this regard.

The machine is not running a GUI, no X-Windows installed. It also doesn't have autofs installed.

CentOS is trying to mount both my internal and external drives. There is no discs in them so these fail, however I want to stop the process altogether.

Best Answer

I was under the impression that was handled via hald.

Maybe not, but another option (presuming you don't need them), would be to just disable them via your server's BIOS. I've done that when I wanted to hold onto the drive, but not have it active in the system.