Linux – Change default certificate signing algorithm in ssh-keygen


Presently, OpenSSH 7.8 (Fedora 28/Arch) is unable to negotiate with a OpenSSH 7.4 (CentOS 7) server utilizing a certificate signed key, as described in a bug filed on redhat's bugzilla. OpenSSH release notes indicate a change in the signature negotiation algorithm must now be explicitly defined. While 2 new signatures algorithms are now allowed (since 7.7), a bug or by intention, user certificate are no longer able to be used for authentication.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -f test
  2. ssh-keygen -s cert.key -I "signedcert" -n testuser
  3. ssh -i test -vvv user@serverip

I am attempting to work around this issue by modifying the algorithm utilized in the certificate signing process.

ssh-keygen -L -f test.crt
    Type: user certificate
    Public key: RSA-CERT SHA256:<fingerprint>
    Signing CA: RSA SHA256:<fingerprint>

The default for ssh-keygen is to sign the key in

According to OpenSSH 7.8 doc, PROTOCOL.certkeys.

All certificate types include certification information along with the
public key that is used to sign challenges. In OpenSSH, ssh-keygen
performs the CA signing operation.

Certified keys are represented using new key types:

Two additional types exist for RSA certificates to force use of
SHA-2 signatures (SHA-256 and SHA-512 respectively):

This tells me there are 7 key types available, how do I specify one in ssh-keygen certificate signing process.

Please Note:

  • The following configuration change on client or server does not work for me.

    PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes rsa-sha2-256,rsa-sha2-512,,,

  • Signing the key in ed25519 format is not backward compatible to servers with openssh 5.3, such as CentOS 6 and thus will not be considered a solution.

Two solutions are possible here.

  1. Find a suitable workaround to allow
    user certificates again.
  2. Find a way to change the certificate
    signing algorithm in ssh-keygen.

Update: ( 1 day later )

According to a user on #openssh, a certificate signature algorithm is set by the key used to sign the private key. This means, if I can figure out how to change the RSA algorithm from RSA:SHA1 to RSA:SHA2 I might be able to force the certificate signing algorithm to be sha2-256, which is possible on both sides with an additional work around.

Update: ( 12 day later )

Watching the bug report submitted, there has been little progress made… or so it appeared.
I was able to have an informal conversation with a RHEL employee who took a look at my bug and stated the right people are looking at it and since this is also effecting RHEL will likely have a fix with RHEL/CentOS 7.6

Best Answer

The linked article documents the following approach:

ssh-keygen -s cert.key -I "signedcert" -n testuser  -t rsa-sha2-256

The key being the -t rsa-sha2-256 parameter.

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