Linux – Changing the shell (using chsh) via the command line in a script


In a startup script that sets up a machine, I want to run

chsh -s /bin/zsh

However, this asks for the user's password. How do I pass in the password as a parameter? Or if I have sudo power, can I somehow bypass that step? Or alternatively, is there another way to change the default startup shell?

Best Answer

The following prevents locked-down accounts from changing their shells, and selectively lets people use chsh themselves WITHOUT sudo or su:

Simple setup that is still secure:

  1. Add this very top of /etc/pam.d/chsh:

    # This allows users of group chsh to change their shells without a password.
    # Per:
    auth       sufficient trust group=chsh
  2. Create the chsh group:

    groupadd chsh

For any user allowed to change their shell:

    usermod -a -G chsh username

Money shot:

user@host:~$ getent passwd $USER
user@host:~$ chsh -s `which zsh`
user@host:~$ getent passwd $USER