Linux – Clients can make maximum only 15 connections to ubuntu custom server


I have a custom server in C# being run on Ubuntu 9 under mono. I can make up to 15 silverlight clients connect to the server. When I make the 16th, it just waits. And if I close one of the established connections, the 16th client is able to connect. I am making the connections from one machine. I am also not exceeding any file handle limit. The limit is 1024 and I am having around 300.

Any ideas how to make more connections? Also why the number 15? Is it something linux-specific?

Best Answer

I've seen a similar problem before - in that instance, a firewall had been setup on the server OS and it was throttling incoming connections to a maximum of 10 concurrent events.

Running sudo iptables -L and looking at the output (for text like 'limit', or just 15) might at least take such firewall throttling off the list of things to check. If there's a lot of output, then it's something to examine more closely as there will quite possibly be a system in place to generate a more complex set of rules. Adding such throttles can be quite common among such automated tools.