Linux – clusterssh with multiple monitor


The clusterssh is not working in Multiple Monitor case. I have 3 monitors configured for Ubuntu 10.10, which is working fine. But when using clusterssh 4.00.05-1 on it to manage multiple servers, it would display overlapping xterm windows, and it would require manual move to align those windows properly.

Does clusterssh support Multi-Monitor configuration? Anyone using it could shed some lights?

Best Answer

I wont judge your needs and just will stick to an answer. I have the same problem as i got a second monitor today. My first and bigger and preferred monitor is 1680x1024 and it is on the left. Second one is smaller and 1280x1024 and on the right.

I found out that there is a .csshrc file in my home directory. I changed screen_reserve_right=0 parameter to screen_reserve_right=1280 and basically all the cssh windows stayed in my first monitor. Any custom need can be done with the parameters over there. Please man cssh, FILES part.

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