Linux – Command Line tool for Linux to test Windows Radius


Anyone know a tool that works to test authentication against a Windows Radius Server?

I have tried radtest with:

radtest -d /usr/share/freeradius/ kbrandt 'betYouCantGuess' theServer 10 secretIGaveforMyIP 0

But I get:

Sending Access-Request of id 120 to port 1812
    User-Name = "kbrandt"
    User-Password = "betYouCantGuess"
    NAS-IP-Address =
    NAS-Port = 10
    Framed-Protocol = PPP
rad_recv: Access-Reject packet from host port 1812, id=120, length=20

On the server in the log there is:,kbrandt,11/06/2009,10:38:28,IAS,THESERVER,4,,5,10,7,1,4108,,4116,0,4128,Kyle's Workstation,4155,1,4154,Use Windows authentication for all users,4129,MYDOMAIN\kbrandt,4127,1,4149,Connections to other access servers,25,311 1 11/06/2009 15:32:42 4,4130, Brandt,4136,1,4142,0,kbrandt,11/06/2009,10:38:28,IAS,THESERVER,25,311 1 11/06/2009 15:32:42 4,4130, Brandt,4149,Connections to other access servers,4108,,4116,0,4128,Kyle's Workstation,4155,1,4154,Use Windows authentication for all users,4129,MYDOMAIN\kbrandt,4127,1,4136,3,4142,66

I'm new to Radius, so its possible I haven't configured something right. All I did was install the service, and added my ip as a RADIUS Client using Radius-Standard Vendor.

Best Answer

Got it working, I removed the policies that were there. Then added one for a group I am in, and also had to add PAP authentication. More information on why I was denied was available in the Event Viewer.