Linux – Configured Linux Machine to Authenticate to LDAP But not working


I am Using Cent Os Operating System and i need to configure LDAP Authentication for this machine. I have configured the ldap client using using authconfig-tui command. And i have cross checked the files ldap.conf and nsswitch.conf that whether they got updated or not. And they are fine.

I created one posixaccount user with all required attributes and now if i try to login it is giving me access is denied error.

I am logging into the machine through putty

Username: testposix user
testposixuser's password: …….

Access is Denied

Please share any resources to configure LDAP Authentication to CentOS Machine

Any help is Appreciated.

Thanks and regards,


Best Answer

Are you sure ldap is enabled in PAM? Check /etc/pam.d/system-auth, etc. You mention ldap.conf and nsswitch.conf - ldap.conf configures how ldap is queried, and nsswitch.conf configures how identities are looked up, but you still need pam.conf for authentication. Also, there are two ldap.conf files - /etc/ldap.conf configures and and /etc/openldap/ldap.conf configures defaults for the openldap library (although these aren't strictly needed if you put all the details in /etc/ldap.conf).

Further, you should check /var/log/secure for error messages. That would give you clues as to what is going wrong.

Finally, here are some basics on configuring LDAP Authentication on CentOS: