Linux – Configuring route to use the same interface for outbound traffic as that of inbound traffic


I have a Linux box with two interfaces: one for data and the other for management purpose. If both are on the same network, I have a route added for both interfaces.

Imagine the routing table is: eth0 eth1 ( management interface)

The problem is that even if a connection is initiated to mgmt IP (eth1), return traffic will be on eth0.

How can I ensure that return traffic on a connection uses the same interface as that of forwardeded traffic?

Best Answer

You can do this using a combination of iptables/netfilter with the conntrack and (conn-)mark modules, and policy-routing.

in the iptables MANGLE table:

-A PREROUTING          -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j CONNMARK --restore-mark
-A OUTPUT              -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j CONNMARK --restore-mark
-A PREROUTING -i eth0  -m state --state NEW                 -j CONNMARK --set-mark 1
-A PREROUTING -i eth1  -m state --state NEW                 -j CONNMARK --set-mark 2
-A PREROUTING -m connmark --mark 1                          -j MARK --set-mark 1
-A PREROUTING -m connmark --mark 2                          -j MARK --set-mark 2
-A PREROUTING -m state --state NEW -m connmark ! --mark 0   -j CONNMARK --save-mark

I assume you have a default route on eth0 so we only need to set up a "magic" route for those pakets coming in via eth1.

Using the iproute2 package:

ip rule add fwmark 2 table eth1
ip route add default via table eth1

What this does is: Every connection coming in via eth1 will be marked by iptables with a "2", so every paket in that connection has a mark in it, that can be read outside the iptables code. Then a policy route is added, that routes every paket having a mark of "2" via the routing table "eth1" which has a default route to your router, but sends out the pakets via eth1.


That setup above assumes you have the same IP on both interfaces. If you have different IPs on both, you can simplify the setup by only using a policy-route on the source ip (i assume on eth1):

ip rule add from table eth1
ip route add default via table eth1

There is no need for connmarking via iptables then.