Linux – Configuring sendmail to forward mail for a specific domain to a specific mail server without using MX records


I am new to sendmail and would like to configure sendmail to forward all mail for a specific email address to another internal mail server. I need it to ignore the MX records and only send it to the server I specify but am not sure which files to edit or how to configure the sendmail config. Is it sufficient to add the server to the /etc/hosts and the /etc/mail/local-host-names files?

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

EDIT: seems like you are talking about mail aliases. Look into /etc/aliases or /etc/mail/aliases. After editing that file, run newaliases

I do not believe that Sendmail has transport map capabilities, at least not that i know of. The feature you are looking for is available in Postfix out of the box. Not sure how much this answer would help you though...

There used to be a package called redhat-switchmail that kind of accomplished that, but I am not sure if it is still available, or if its even compatible with your system.

/etc/mail/local-host-names is just for that... local host names... the domains your sendmail server accepts mail for.

What exactly you want to accomplish with /etc/hosts I am not sure...

Depending on your configuration and version of your Sendmail, you need to edit /etc/mail/ and then "make it" into /etc/mail/ On older versions, you edit /etc/mail/, but i do not suggest you touch either one of those files if you do not know what you are doing. They are pretty cryptic, to say the least.