Linux – Convert Ubuntu to XUbuntu


I am currently running Ubuntu 9.04 64 bit, with separate home directory.

What is the best way to convert Ubuntu to XUbuntu?

  1. Reformat and install XUbuntu.
  2. Install xubuntu-desktop using apt-get, and remove ubuntu-desktop.
  3. Install xfce4 using apt-get only. Is xfce is the major different between Ubuntu and XUbuntu?

Best Answer

1 -> Is correct, and is the cleanest form 2 -> Is correct, but packages may be broken or something like that. After that, do sudo apt-get autoremove to clean unnecessary packages. 3 -> The same that 2.

My favourite is the option 1, but if you need do it fast or save configuration/data ... do 2 or 3.

Best regards!