Linux – Copy ssh key or create a new one


I have a desktop and laptop that I use for development. I generated an ssh key on the primary machine (desktop) to my vps which uses a passphrase. In terms of best practices or security concerns, is it better to generate a new ssh key on my laptop to the same vps, or should I just copy the ssh keys from the desktop to the laptop.

Everything i've read on the topic simply explains how to copy ssh keys from one computer to another. I haven't seen anything explaining the pros/cons of generating a new key vs copying an existing one. (both machines are used solely by me).

Best Answer

I agree with You can do any one, but each one has its pros and cons.

I would prefer to create a new SSH private key for every trusted machine. That way, if one is compromised only the key for that machine needs replacing. Copying private keys around could also increase the chance of somebody else getting access to it. It basically becomes a single point of failure. There is a reason why sites like BitBucket recommend their users to replace their SSH keys every year.

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